Family Card - Person Sheet
NameSon-1 of Cassirer (of Bujakow) CASSIRER 
Birthabt 1740
Deathbef 1830
Notes for Son-1 of Cassirer (of Bujakow) CASSIRER
See also: Cassirer
573 recalls that Gertrud Buchhorn, (b. 13 May, 1876-11 January, 1964), wrote that the grandfather of her grandfather, "Bujakow", was a cashier at a "Grafen" (estate of a person of high rank similar to a lord or earl). Bujakow was given the name of Cassirer. Thus the Grandfather of her grandfather was named Bujakow (or “of Bujakow”? suggesting he lived in Bujakow, a place in Poland near Rynek and not very far (22 km) from Katowice.