Family Card - Person Sheet
NameWilliam Thurston RUDD
Notes for William Thurston RUDD
William Thurston had five children by Caroline Mansfield and then abandoned the family and sailed to Australia with Elizabeth Georgina Atkinson and his daughter with her. He had also had a son previously with Georgina Richard who had died at about nine months of age. After arriving in Australia Melbourne he had a few more children with Georgina. In 1860 he applied for bankruptcy, it would appear that in 1863 a Mr Rudd sailed to England on vessel " Suffolk" to London alone. William Thurston GRO certificate sates he died of pneumonia 20th April at the age of 54 at Pitlake /road West Croyden. Registered by Jane Baker who was living at the same address. William is buried at the parish of St Mary Leyton Essex.[adapted from entry by Mike Camken great great grandson of William Thurston, reported in]