NameCaptain Frederick Seeker [Hookie] BELL
Death23 Nov 1973, Puttenham, Surrey, England959
Birth1897, England
BirthAug 1899, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Death2 Aug 1978, Sydney, NSW, Australia
BirthAug 1899, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia955
Death2 Aug 1978, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia956
Marriage1935, London, England
Notes for Captain Frederick Seeker [Hookie] BELL
'Hooky' was an officer in the Royal Navy. He was the Captain of the battleship Anson when she visited Sydney in 1944. (Note Richard Harvey was a midshipman on the ship at the same time.)
Hooky was the captain of HMS Exeter at the Battle of the River Plate in December 1939.
For more on F. S. Bell see
Notes for Captain Frederick Seeker [Hookie] BELL
Captain Francis Seeker [Hookie] Bell CB, RN was Captain of the CruiserHMS Exeter during he Battle of The River Plate, in which in company ofthe the Cruisers Achillies and Ajax they successfully attacked theGerman Pocket Battleship Graf Spee, forcing it into Monte Vidao, laterscuttled. This was the first Naval Battle of Worls War ll and a greatmorale booste for the British. Captain Bell had in WWl served inSubmarines and was captured and spent 18 months as a German POW. Helater commanded the Britsh Battleship HMS Anson when it visited Sydneyafter WWll. He died in England in 1973 and was buried with a fullNaval Military Funeral.