Institute fur Experimentell Forschung (Institute for Experimental Research) , Istanbul University, 1945-7.
1206“Dr. Werner Laqueur ist der Gründer des ersten Labors unserer neu gegründeten Klinik. Es gilt, ihn als einen Fachmann zu würdigen, der dafür sorgte, dass dieses Labor hervorragend arbeitet und organisiert ist.”
[tr. Dr. Werner Laqueur is the founder of the first labs of our newly established clinic. It is important to appreciate him as a professional who made sure that this lab is working perfectly and is organized. ]
Arısan K, İnanç F: Kadın Doğum Kliniği Tarihi [Geschichte der Frauen- und Geburtshilfe klinik]. İstanbul 1973, s.25
The site editor is very grateful to Klaus Cussler
1207 for so kindly drawing his attention to this document on the University of Istanbul Staff.