NamePhilip COHEN
Birth1824, London, Great Britain995,9
Death6 Feb 1898, Valetta, Walker S, North Sydney, NSW, Australia9
BurialFeb 1898, Sec D Jewish, Rookwood, NSW, Australia
Birth1824, London, England
Burial7 Feb 1898, Rookwood Old Jewish Cemetery-OGN-11-330
Death6 Feb 1898, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia996
Death15 Jul 1916, “Arlington” 13 Princes St, North Sydney, Australia
BurialJewish Section, Rookwood (S3, #265)
Birth1833, England
Death15 Jul 1916, Princes St, North Sydney, NSW, Australia
BurialJul 1916, Sect 2 Jewish, Rookwood, NSW, Australia
Birth1830, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
Burial16 Jul 1916, Rookwood Jewish Cemetery - Sect. 3 Plot 265
Death15 Jul 1916, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia997
Marriage5 Feb 1851, Home of David benjamin, Melbourne
BirthBET. 1862 - 1863, Manchester, Lancashire, England502
*New [OCCU]1881, Clerk505
*New [OCCU]1901, Commercial Traveller998
Marriage16 Mar 1901, Hampstead Synagogue, Hampstead, london, England998
Notes for Philip COHEN
For more on Philip Cohen click on:
Information his descendant P C Cohen.
From the book at SAG (C7/70/1a) Argus BDM.Notice of marriage -
COHEN P.H. In accordance with the Hebrew Rites at the residence of Baird (sic) Benjamin Esq on Wednesday 5th February 1851, Mr Phillip (sic) Cohen to Miss Jessie Solomon.
Notes for Philip COHEN
Information his descendant P C Cohen.
From the book at SAG (C7/70/1a) Argus BDM.Notice of marriage -
COHEN P.H. In accordance with the Hebrew Rites at the residence of Baird (sic) Benjamin Esq on Wednesday 5th February 1851, Mr Phillip (sic) Cohen to Miss Jessie Solomon.
Notes for Philip COHEN
His death Certificate signed by his son William, states that he was aretired oyster farmer.
Very much understated, Philip was interested in anthrapology andichthyology, and published a number of books:
"The Marine Fish anf Fisheries of New South Wales, Past and Present,in their commercial aspect, 1892"
"Early Day Aborignals"
Travelling to the Northern Districts of NSW Philip befriended theAboroginal people, learning local customs, and was invited to attendcertain sacred ceremonies, normally taboo for a white man.
On his death The Anthropological Society of Australia, was interestedin his books and notes, so as to not see them lost to future research.