NameGeneral Major Paul Alfred CULLEN AC, CBE, DSO & Bar
Death19 Sep 2007, Montefiore Home, Randwick, NSW, Australia
Birth13 Feb 1909, 51 Newcomen St, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
*New [EDUC]Educated first at Shirley, Edgecliff Road, then at Crnabrook
*New [RELI]Jewish
Birth13 Feb 1909, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia846
Death19 Sep 2009, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Birth8 Aug 1911, Sir J.Young Cr, Sydney, Australia
*New [EDUC]Meriden, Brighton College, Manly, Ascham School, Edgecliff.
*New [RELI]Church of England
Marriage26 Feb 1932, Register Office, Paddington, NSW, Australia
Birth10 Nov 1930, VIC, Australia
MarriageDec 1973, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Birth8 Aug 1911, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Death1 Jan 2001, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marriage26 Feb 1932, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia848
Notes for General Major Paul Alfred CULLEN AC, CBE, DSO & Bar
Sir Paul Cullen, CBE, DSO, Ed.
Was born Paul Cullen Cohen, but changed his name by dropping “Cohen” in World War One so not to be labelled as a jew as it would have been awkward if he had been captured.
774Title as at 12.4.93.: Major General (Ret'd), A.C., C.B.E., D.S.O.*, E.D., F.C.A.
Note re Wingello Park, - Newspaper - Sale of property in 1850 and 1852
Misc Note 2 notes for General Major Paul Alfred CULLEN AC, CBE, DSO & Bar
Barbara Falk’s comment:
Paul had a farm. He was tossed by one of his own bulls. He was a very cuddly man. And I met his daughter Dinah who was married to a naval officer.
Notes for General Major Paul Alfred CULLEN AC, CBE, DSO & Bar
Title as at 12.4.93.: Major General (Ret'd), A.C., C.B.E., D.S.O.*, E.D., F.C.A.
Note re Wingello Park, - Newspaper - Sale of property in 1850 and 1852
Notes for General Major Paul Alfred CULLEN AC, CBE, DSO & Bar
Major General Paul Alfred Cullen AC,AO,CBE,DSO*,VD, born Paul AlfredCohen in Newcastle in 1909, who like his older brother George changed their surnames because of the War to Cullen. Educated at Cranbrook College Sydney, taking out prizes in English, History,Maths and Latin,however as soon as he had mastered a subject he became bored and had to move on. One subject that Paul excelled in was Christianity New Testament, he topped the year, but the Headmaster Rev. F.T. Perkins,refused to give him the prize. [Religious Intolerance?] He told his father of this and his father discussed this with Esmond Freiend, a member of the school council, some discussion followed, but Paul did not receive the prize.
Later leaving school before matriculation, after being accused and caned for a misdemeanour at school for which he was totally innocent,the actual culprit being the head prefect. He decided to become an accountant and joined the firm of Priestley & Morris, completing his training in 1931, he had been promised a partnership with the Company,but when enquiring about this, nothing. So after work he went across the road to the Imperial Services Club, to which he had recently joined to drown his sorrows. Also at the club happened to be John Angus Lancaster Gunn, who at the time was an accountant with the legal firm of Garland Seaborn & Abbott. He had coached Paul during his studies, John had also come to the Club to drown his sorrows, after being refused a raise. So they decided to leave their employers and so the firm of J A L Gunn & Cohen was established in 1932.
Paul also married in 1932, Phyllis and Paul lived in a flat at Bellevue Hill, later that year twins were born, Christopher and Dinah,the children announcing their arrival whilst the parents were at the Regent Theatre watching a movie.
In 1936, Paul along with his cousin, Pat Levy joined forces to raise capital of no less that 10,000 pds to set up Australian Fixed Trusts Pty. Ltd, the first unit trust in Australia.
What can be said about the General, that has not been already said, certainly the youngest and most outstanding of the General Staff Officers produced by the Australian Army during the Second World War,and the best known soldier of Jewish background officer of World War I, serving in the Middle East and also New Guinea.
After the war he returned to the business world as an accountant, but with his vast military background and knowledge he was called upon by the Australian Government. Serving on the Order of Australia Association, as President. Assistant Senior Advisor to the Armed Forces. President of the Refugee Council of Australia. National President of Austcare. Citizen Military Forces [CMF] 1932-1946, Member of the Military Board 1964-1966. In 1981 was awarded the United Nations Peace Medal. As President of Austcare, he jointly received the award of the Nansen Medal, the UN's highest accolade for refugee relief.
Asked to sum up his life, he replied " Reckless, impulsive, but those qualities have served me well, I've had a wonderful life"
He resided at with his wife at "Wingello Park" until his wife Evelyn died in December 2006, and in February 2007 moved into a retirment home, he passed away on the 19 September 2007, and was accorded a Full Military Funeral from Victoria Barracks Sydney, followed by a private cremation service at Eastern Suburbs Crematorium on the 26th September2007.