NameArthur Isaac NATHAN
Birth1814, London, Middlesex, England
Death1863, England
BurialWest Ham Cemetry
Birth1814, London, England
Death7 Aug 1863, Tavistock Sq, Ramsgate, London England232
Birth1827, London, England
Death1881, London, England
Death19 Mar 1881, London, England
Marriage1843, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Notes for Arthur Isaac NATHAN
Stuart Cohen has Isaac as first name, L.D. Nathan has Arthur Isaac. Stuart has his wife as Caroline, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth, but her name does not appear in some of the lists (Jessop) however I intend following Stuart. There were nine children of the marriage, probably born Tasmania. Some information P B Cohen, some Jon Nathan. Their names in the census show Arthur Isaac with wife Caroline.
I have now (2006) found this family in the 1861 census and have amended the file to show additional children, also their year and place of birth. In the census he lists himself as Arthur Isaac Nathan.
The family were living at 28 Tavistock Square, St Pancras, Marylebone. Living in 29 Tavistock Square was a Phillip Hart born St Botolph, Aldgate, his wife Esther vorn Hackney. Also a niece Esther Solomons aged 14 born Australia. RG9/103/48 p 15. In this census are children Louis 16, Walter 14, Hyam 13, David 11, Edward 9, and Sarah 7 all born Tasmania, Henry 5, born London and Sydney Jacob 6? months b Sydney, New South Wales
I found the family again in the census of 1871 (RG10/212/17 p 27) living at 28 Tavistock Square. Arthur was by then deceased, but Caroline was living there with Sara 17, b Tasmania, Henry 15, b London, Sidney 10, b Sydney, Annette 8, b London. She must have been born either just before or just after her father's death. Also living with the family were Henry Cohen aged 30 born NS Wales a law student.
He is listed as father of David Nathan who married Sierlah Cohen, and he was deceased at the time of their marriage in 1880.