Family Card - Person Sheet
NameSolomon HYMES
DeathMay 1854, at the residence of his son-in-law S H Cohen163,164
ChildrenEliza (~1820-1881)
Notes for Solomon HYMES
Miles Thomas notes: The alternate spellings of Hymes Hyams Hymus and Hynes in the records have confused the issue. However my ancestor, and Eliza's brother, Edward Burrows Hymes spelt it Hymes so I favour that spelling.
163Solomon was buried in the Devonshire Street Cemetery (Hebrew) and in 1901/2 disinterred and moved to Botany Cemetery. The headstone and exact location have not been seen. But the movement of the Devonshire Cemetery is recorded in "Sydney Burial Ground 1819-1901" by Johnson and Sainty.
163Solomon had 3 wives in his life and Susan Burrows was the second. He had 8 natural children and 1 step daughter.